Mental Health Awareness Week 2022: The Importance of Self-Care

As a healthcare company, our people have been in the forefront and front line of the COVID-19 pandemic. Being a company of caregivers, it is crucial for us to understand the necessity of looking after our own well-being.

Supporting our employees’ mental health is an ongoing area of focus for us. Self-care is essential for maintaining good mental health, preventing burnout and reducing the risk of developing mental health conditions. Healthcare workers often face high levels of stress, long working hours and emotional demands. This can take a toll on their well-being, leaving them feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. By prioritising self-care, healthcare workers can recharge and “refill their cup”, enabling them to better care for their patients and themselves.

We offer our employees both in-house solutions designed by our own mental health specialists as well as solutions provided by external specialist agencies that we partner with. In 2022, we had 975 IHH Singapore employees registered in the mental well-being programme who attended 588 micro-sessions, showing the importance of having on-demand preventative mental well-being solutions that are easily accessible.

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week in October 2022, IHH Healthcare organised a virtual webinar in partnership with Asia’s largest mental healthcare company to help caregivers like our people understand the importance of self-care. Held on 30th September, the session reached over 185 people, highlighting the AIRPLANE principle of self-care with caregivers teaching participants in carer roles how to identify personal barriers to achieving mental health and equipping them with the tools to bolster self-care.

What is the AIRPLANE principle?

Only when we first help ourselves can we then effectively help others. Caring for yourself is one of the most important – and most often forgotten – things you can do as a caregiver. When your needs are taken care of, the person you care for will benefit too.