To commemorate World Heart Day, India Operations Division initiated India’s largest heart health movement on 27 September with #WearARedChallenge.
Gleneagles Global Hospitals and Continental Hospitals led the way by rallying more than 200,000 staff from its hospitals and corporate partners to dress in red as ‘Heart Heroes’ and commit to a heart-healthy regime.
Across our India Operations facilities, employees also participated in mass workouts to exercise their heart through jumping jacks, running on the spot and dancing.
We led the way this World Heart Day by signing up over 50 corporates and over 200,000 employees across all our cities for our #WearARedChallenge. Our commitment to communities is unparalleled when it comes to spreading awareness on wellness. We will continue to do so in keeping with our brand promise – On your side."
- Jean-Francois Naa, Interim Chief Executive Officer of India Operations