Strategic Priorities for Growth

1. Grow organically
In tandem with increasing demand for healthcare services, we remain steadfast in building bed capacity and are adding close to 4,000 new beds (+33% more capacity) by 2028. At the same time, we are committed to driving productivity and efficiency by optimising occupancy rates, improving the Average Length of Stay (ALOS) and reaping operational synergies throughout the Group.

2. Expand across healthcare continuum
We will grow our ambulatory care offerings and improve primary care clinic penetration in selective markets such as Singapore and Hong Kong.

3. Capture inorganic opportunities via mergers and acquisitions
We continually explore and evaluate earnings-accretive assets that are aligned to our cluster strategy, to expand our portfolio or services and extend our global reach.

4. Develop new growth engines
With 96.0 million of tests conducted across four markets within this fiscal year, we are priming our laboratory business to become one of the new growth engines for IHH Healthcare. Digitalisation and innovation also pose opportunities for us to enhance the quality of care for our patients and streamline operational efficiency.

5. Turn Around underperforming assets
We continue to proactively review our assets to improve performance and operations, helping them to maximise their full potential.