Adapting to the ‘New Normal’

Social distancing, mask wearing and now new uniforms – Acibadem Healthcare is pulling out all the stops to ensure the safety and health of our people.

Since July, its 2,100-strong Patient Services team has been sporting a new uniform, consisting of jeans, polo shirt and sneakers, that allows easy disinfection and athletic comfort.

The uniforms can be easily washed on a daily basis, ensuring the Patient Services team come dressed in clean and disinfected clothes every day. A different version of the new uniform will be worn by Acibadem’s International Patient Services team who hosts international patients travelling from more than 100 countries every year.

New Normal Control Teams have also been established at all hospitals and medical centres to ensure rules such as social distancing and mask-wearing are strictly followed in common areas such as corridors, patient waiting areas and dining areas.
