Our hospitals in Malaysia have been on high alert since the virus broke out in December. To better manage the evolving situation, Malaysia Operations has set up a Hospital Infectious Disease Outbreak Committee. There is also a WhatsApp taskforce made up of consultants, clinicians and the management team to share updates and discuss action plans.
Even before there were clear instructions to hospitals on COVID-19 infection control measures, the Committee had gone ahead to implement simple preventive measures like identifying patients with respiratory symptoms and those who have travelled to or reside in Wuhan within the last 14 days.
The set up of a WhatsApp taskforce to provide updates and advice to patients and staff has strengthened our preparedness. All staff are encouraged to ensure good hygiene and learn proper handwashing steps.
Staff entering a ward as well as front office and customer care officers are required to wear a surgical mask for safety. To this end, the purchasing team has been working hard to ensure we have a sufficient supply of masks and Personal Protection Equipment to meet our needs.
To keep the virus at bay, temperature checkpoints have been set up in every hospital.
Our hospitals also put up announcements at all entrances to notify patients and visitors about the latest developments and the precautionary measures we are taking.
Education videos have been created to share important health tips with members of the public. Our nurses and doctors have also been reaching out to primary schools and kindergartens to teach young children how to practise good personal and hand hygiene, and to see a doctor if they are not feeling well.