In a heartwarming moment, Leia Dynnyk, a 15-month-old from Ukraine, experienced a miracle when she heard her mother’s voice for the first time after undergoing cochlear implant surgery at Acıbadem Kent Hospital in İzmir, Türkiye.
Gleneagles HealthCity Chennai recently celebrated a significant milestone in clinical excellence, completing over 100 robotic-assisted cancer surgeries within a year.
On 23 May, Parkway Medical Services (PMS) Hong Kong and Caritas – Hong Kong signed an MOU to redevelop Precious Blood Hospital. This partnership is set to elevate healthcare quality and service excellence for more people in the city.
Since 10 May 2023, the Mount Elizabeth Proton Therapy Centre in Singapore has treated over 100 patients from 16 countries, ranging in age from 18 months to 85 years. Officially opened on 10 May 2024, the Centre marks a significant advancement in IHH Healthcare Singapore’s cancer care offerings.
Driving clinical excellence through strategic partnerships - the Greater Bay Area (GBA) International Oncology Symposium 2024 co-hosted by Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong ignites dialogue to enahnce cancer care and research.
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